Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 15

A Photo of something I don't leave the house without

I, like so many others, do not leave the house without my cell phone. I feel like I am disconnecting from the world, or like some massive thing will happen and I won't know about it. I can't imagine the world without cell phones, it's crazy since they haven't been around that long. I am especially thankful for cell phones when I am driving between Washington and would be horrible to not be able to contact people during that drive. So...yeah....cell phone...don't leave the house without it. 


Anonymous said...

haha we used the same picture!

Natalie said...

It's not that I feel like I'm disconnecting from the world when I leave my cell phone behind, but I feel like something horrible will happen (like get hit by a car, or slip and fall onto something pointy and puncture my spleen) and I won't have a way to get help.