Five things I was doing 10 years ago.1. filling my time with cousin sleepovers and inside jokes.
2. obsessing about NSYNC.
3. being bitter at the fact that only the older girls got to go to NSYNC first
4. Hanging out in the 4th grade
5. I don't know what else a nine year old does?
Five things on my to do list.1. STUDY for my job training!
2. register for classes/figure out when I can.
3. clean my room...i guess.
4. eat some food.
5. sleep.....i don't do enough of that.
Five of my favorite snacks / food.1. mostly any form.
2. spaghetti
3. heaven in a roll
4. highline teriyaki
Five things I would do if I were a billionaire1. quit my job...and party.
2. get a big house
3. and a pool
4. pay off my college...but still go and get my interior design degree, I wouldn't want my huge house poorly decorated.
5. donate a lot
Five of my bad habits.1. procrastinating
2. being lazy
3. not studying
4. being awkward on the phone
5. laughing when I shouldn't
Five places I have lived.1. Federal Way, Washington
2. Rexburg, Idaho
3. Washington
4. the USA
5. the World!
Five people I want to fill this out.1. I don't know hasn't done it yet...